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We are ICRJ
We come together to promote and encourage a community dedicated to valuing inclusion, to ensure the respectful and equitable treatment of all races, cultures and beliefs

The Interfaith Center for Racial Justice has been working for over 50 years to build bridges of understanding among people of different cultures and faith traditions. We have reached out through our work in diversity awareness; Listen, Learn, Live has been a unique experience as we embraced the differences that make us unique not separate. The Black/White Exchange created a way to engage, promoting inclusiveness. Working with interfaith communities will remain a strong focus on what we do. We want to rebuild relationships with other interfaith communities to foster understanding and fellowship.

We continue to bring communities together at our annual Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday Celebration of Macomb County, we believe that together we can build a better community, a stronger region, a better world for all.

Moving forward, our next mission is to focus on what Congressman John Lewis, called "the next frontier in civil rights - EDUCATION." It really is an expansion of our diversity work, we intend to become the community we serve. Visibility is important when we are called or simply when we just show up. We address issues that impact inclusion. We recognize that social and racial justice are key elements that impact inclusion in our communities.

Creating a culture of understanding and tolerance is the goal of our newest initiative, RACE. RACE (read, accept, change, and engage) explores race through the lens of various literary genres. Small group sessions generate thought-provoking conversations on race. Components currently focus on children's diverse cultural literature and social commentary.


One might encounter us at a local school as we promote our police-community relations program, Me & You. You might be with us at local high schools addressing student concerns about race and culture or engaging in Real Talk a program facilitated by student leaders. Students helped us design MLK180, an interactive site that provides 180 school days worth of information about African Americans.


We work with educators who seek us out expressing the need to learn about the race and culture of a diverse student population. Their goal is to serve all of their students in an equitable manner.  Those teachers' concerns led us to create a blog for educators. Teach2Learn - Learn2Teach is a way to seek and share answers for those issues. We know that if not properly addressed expeditiously, those issues can negatively impact student achievement. 


We have established a committee of retired and active educators. Champions of Excellence provide insight and resources ensuring that ICRJ remains informed and data-driven.  You might find us working with parent groups in our newly organized program, Moms of Macomb (MOM). MOM was specifically established to address the needs of parents seeking the best for their children as they navigate Schools of Choice.


The Interfaith Center for Racial Justice is committed to maintaining a diverse Board of Directors. We recognize that the differences we include at the table will bring about the inclusiveness we desire for our communities. We believe that our Board should always strive to reflect the communities we serve.

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